Launch of our HEART values

Our People

Everyone has a value system. It is a key part of who they are. It shapes the decisions a person makes, the friends and life partners they choose, the way they raise their children, the brands they buy.

A business is no different. It has a set of values that underpin its personality. So we got to thinking, what makes Location One tick? What are we about? When you take the best of us, the best of all of us, what do we distil down to? So we got to thinking. How about we capture our core values on paper, so we can be proud of them, celebrate them and have them ready and waiting to refer to when things get tough.

So, here they are, our 5 core values, inspired by everyone who works at Location One:

  • We are heroic and bold. We overcome challenges to achieve the extraordinary.
  • We are experts in our field. We really know our product and our customer. We are always innovating and finding a better way.
  • We work with agility. We are not scared of change and we thrive in challenging situations.
  • We act responsibly towards our customers, each other, the public and our planet. We can be relied upon to do the right thing.
  • We are a team. We communicate and share ideas. We achieve amazing things when we work as one.

The vigilant amongst you will see that these 5 core values spell out a 6th: HEART. Heart means courage, it means passion. If there’s one thing we have learnt over the last 6 months – our toughest time since we were formed in 2008 – it is that Location One is filled to the brim with both courage and passion. A big thank you to everyone who dug deep to get us through these difficult times.


Why not have a chat with us, or take a look at the products we offer.