
location one logo

There's a net zero mission underway (ultimate goal: save the planet) and we're on of many taking on the challenge.

We have made a commitment to accurately measure our carbon footprint and implement a transparent and science-based plan that achieves net zero emissions.

There's other stuff to consider along the way, like looking for opportunities to return valuable nutrients to the soil (think waste water and materials) and eliminate the use of single use plastics.

Our approach is simple:

Step 1:

Measure our emissions footprint

Step 2:

Work like crazy to reduce our emission

Step 3:

Neutralise emissions we really can't avoid by investing in projects and initiatives

100% renewable energy

As a first step in our emission reduction, we have switched to 100% renewable energy for all our depots. Other CO2 saving initiatives are in full swing, including vehicle fuel efficiency and a fleet renewal programme. Keep an eye on our blog for further updates.

location one logo transparent

"We have joined the band of stubborn climate optimists"

Carly Hardy | Head of Sustainability

Products to support your net-zero journey

We love to innovate and what better reason than to save the planet. Get in touch with us pre-production and we can talk you through our range of products and services that contribute towards a net zero emission shoot

Net Zero Products


To find out more about our plans or for a general chat about all matters environmental